Schoolyard has expanded it's So-Media pages, in order to expand it's media division. These pages will cover more specific subjects that weren't necessarily covered before. So you get more SYBC than before. I will update this post so you can find them, and follow them for more Schoolyard news.
(Updated Links after the break)
Schoolyard Book Company: @SchoolyardBookC
Schoolbrary store: @Schoolbrarywebs
Refrigerator Game Company: @IceboxcoldG
@Sybcmonday: Schoolyard
@Schoolbrary: Schoolbrary
@Supultra: Super Ultra Adventures
@Rfgcthursday: Refrigerator game company
@Fridaynightsybc: Friday Night
All Gorbo content falls under Schoolyard Book Company.
(Updated Links after the break)
Schoolyard Book Company: @SchoolyardBookC
Schoolbrary store: @Schoolbrarywebs
Refrigerator Game Company: @IceboxcoldG
@Sybcmonday: Schoolyard
@Schoolbrary: Schoolbrary
@Supultra: Super Ultra Adventures
@Rfgcthursday: Refrigerator game company
@Fridaynightsybc: Friday Night
All Gorbo content falls under Schoolyard Book Company.